Monday, August 19, 2024





Of all the women who had to be deployed with his team, it had to be difficult and outspoken US Attorney Leigh Waterford, a woman who got under his skin from the very beginning, one who slipped in under his radar and hit him broadside. Now he was back to being her bodyguard, and it was so very hard for him to get past that body of hers. But the most sensual part of the woman was her mouth...and what she could do to him in both debate and action. SEALs plan for all contingencies, but with wildcard Leigh it was all out of control and dangerous both behind doors and outside the wire. Leigh was used to being alone for a long time now, her work and career foremost in her mind, but Hazard was making her remember what it was like to be close to someone strong, warm, and seductive. He challenged her at every turn, but what was wending around her heart like gentle vines was his singular and exceptional way of showing how much he was on her side...all in all the time. How was she supposed to focus on the job at hand?

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Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: August 19, 2024

After apprehending the money man who caters to cartels, Hazard and the team discover a connection to the Alzate Cartel and their leader Angel. The lead takes them to Bogota, Colombia, one of the roughest cities in South America where he comes up against US Attorney Leigh Waterford, a difficult, beautiful, and determined lawyer. Hazard chaffs against her presence, believing that civilians didn't have any business being embedded with a SEAL Team. He'd previously acted as her bodyguard while NCIS handled a volatile, dangerous, and intense investigation. Now that his team were on the trail of Alzate, the mission was clear. Take him and his organization down. Hazard finds himself distracted for the first time ever on a mission. His focus is always on duty when he’s deployed, but Leigh is giving him a run for his money. She makes him crazy…her beauty, toughness, competence, and a body to die for. Could this woman make him break his cardinal rule?

Leigh has always been challenged in life by her parents, her significant others, and her bosses. She's not only out to prove everyone wrong, but to deliver one of the most wanted organizations on the planet. Alzate had ordered the deaths of government drug task force members in San Diego, and she was going to ensure that he didn't slip through any loopholes. As the special judicial attaché assigned to her only after she went to the mat for the job, she now has this mission on her shoulders, and failing isn't an option. She has always been on a mission and her personal life has always suffered, but she accepts that is the sacrifice she makes for justice. Except Hazard’s presence tempts her beyond belief and draws her closer and closer to breaking her one cardinal rule. Never get involved with anyone in uniform.

Monday, June 24, 2024




After a truly embarrassing and uncomfortable run-in with CGIS Special Agent Davis Nishida the night before, Kai wakes to a horrible hangover and the brutal murder of a Navy petty officer that leaves all of NCIS horrified. Her investigation leads her to none other than Davis, only to discover that the person she's seeking is missing.. Things get interesting after that, and she finds herself trying to navigate the leads in the case while working at handling her buried emotions for Davis that had built over the years. Her haunting past was her biggest hurdle to happiness, and now Davis was the catalyst who was making her look hard at her losses to find some safe ground in which to heal. Could she overcome all that pain...for him...for their happily ever after? Davis has pursued Kai in the past, but had been shut down every time, but when they're thrust into this harrowing investigation that takes them to Ecuador in pursuit of answers to confounding questions, and recent personal losses, he and Kai begin to connect. Now his only mission is to keep them alive in a place where they can trust no one but each other.

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Apple Books - Coming soon
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: June 24, 2024

Two agents, two services, one vow—justice…

NCIS Supervisory Special Agent in Charge Kai Talbot takes an interest in a case that involves a petty officer who was tortured and murdered in her home. After a preliminary investigation, the victim is tied to a CGIS agent, but when Kai goes to question him, she finds him missing. She also finds CGIS Special Agent Davis Nishida, a man she has been fantasizing about ever since she first met him and to top it off, she’d just had an embarrassing encounter with him the night before. The man took her out of her comfort zone and tested her control. His dark good looks, his take charge attitude, and the chemistry that sizzles between them all added up to a serious problem. A lifetime ago she lost so tragically that she never wanted to be that vulnerable again. But Davis stirred something in her that is irresistible and compelling. Working together was like flicking the switch on a bomb. There’s no doubt it’s going to go off…violently.

Davis finds himself back in the presence of Kai, the intriguing, tough but fair leader of the crack NCIS team. He’s determined to make this a joint operation between the services. After a terrible tragedy that compounds and confuses the case, Kai and Davis find themselves going to Ecuador. He and Kai dig in deeper and the deeper they go, the closer they get to that predicted explosion. The tempting and captivating presence of Kai, a sensual pressure undermining his control, is already pushing so many buttons. As the threat builds and the investigation heats up, so does their connection, but will they be able to find a path forward once the case is solved…if they survive.

Monday, April 15, 2024




It was a tough DEA/CIA/SEAL mission that led Buck to Maritza Navarro, but the moment he saw the Costa Rican beauty, everything seemed to stop, then click into place while all kinds of sparks flew. It's not until later when he meets her back in San Diego by chance that they are able to do anything about the sizzle. Buck spends several days with her and is walking on Cloud 9 when he's detained by the CIA and DEA for an undercover mission. Someone on her plantation sold them out, and the DEA, CIA and US government want payback. Buck's tagged to go undercover to investigate her and the family for any wrongdoing. It goes against Buck's nature to lie to Maritza, but his mission is classified.

Maritza worked for her family and she had no time to spare...until she meets Buck. After a few nights of passion, she wonders how they could possibly make it work with him in California and her in Costa Rica. But she is surprised when the whole SEAL Team, DEA, and CIA descend on her family's coffee plantation to protect them for retaliation from the drug kingpin the Americans were hunting. His presence makes her wonder if she can change her workaholic ways and reach for happiness and love that just seems like a big step away.


 Where to buy
Apple Books - Coming soon
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: April 12, 2024

Shortly after a very rough mission in Costa Rica, where Sam “Buck” Buckard meets the intriguing and beautiful Maritza Navarro, and later is intimate with her, he’s tagged by the CIA. They’re convinced the Navarro’s coffee plantation is one of the stopgaps in the transportation of drugs from Colombia and Mexico. They recruit him and the team to head back to Costa Rica where Buck will cultivate a relationship with Maritza to get the intel they need to find the people responsible for aiding the cartels. They will assist the DEA, while giving protection to the family. Torn between his duty and his attraction to Maritza, she and her family saved their lives, Buck has to pull up on the reins, but still get close to Maritza. He’s there to do a job, keep the Navarro family safe, while ferreting out the traitor and dismantling the threat against the family. But Buck finds it difficult to deceive this coffee princess, the passion they had experienced keeps getting in the way.

Maritza was born and raised in two countries, the United States and Costa Rica. Her mother is a wealthy American philanthropist, tied to a powerful political family, and her dad is the owner of one of the oldest coffee plantations in the country. After spending most of her adult life dedicated to her family and the business, she finds it so easy to fall for Buck’s cowboy charm and his warrior attitude. But when she’s business, she’s all business, and keeping her family safe and her family business intact is more important than anything. Except she can’t forget that night with him and the longer he’s close to her the more the pressure builds, and that one-night stand turns into something more when he returns to the plantation. He’s so down to earth, so real compared to the men she’s encountered, unaware that Buck is keeping secrets affecting her whole world. But when life and death is on the line, all that matters is survival.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024



After landing in Haiti for what Bale "Shark" Maddox expects to be a run of the mill protection detail, he comes into contact with a beautiful woman at the airport. At the time, he doesn't realize she's Dr. Madeline Towson, the ambassador's daughter and on top of it, he hijacks her embassy limo. But the fact that she's a good sport about it only gets him in deeper, seduced by her charm and larger than life personality, like a ray of sunshine. Shark's been struggling with team dynamics for some time, ashamed of his past, feeling as if he comes up short. But Maddy doesn't see any of that and she persistently pursues him until he can't resist in a country that is trying to rebuild. The political system has just stabilized, but with Haiti's history of coups, and the still unsettled opposition, the country was a power keg, needing just that spark to set if off. So, to do his duty, he works at resisting the pull of attraction, his first priority to keep the ambassador, his family, and the embassy safe. Maddy is there as a seismologist for research purposes after having to change jobs in the midst of scandal. She'd stupidly gotten involved with her boss, who happened to still be quite married, and not separated as he'd told her. So, when she meets Shark, she's still dealing with her propensity to get into disastrous relationships and Shark is the catalyst that sets her on a personal journey to a discovery that changes her life. Together they delve into their deep, personal issues as Maddy stumbles onto political intrigue and a devastating secret that could undermine everything, including the safety of her, her family, Shark, his team, and the embassy.The earth beneath their feet is shifting in so many ways, she's not sure they're going to get out of it alive as she and Shark sink deeper and deeper into each other.


 Where to buy
Apple Books (coming soon)

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: February 28, 2024

Bale “Shark” Maddox, and the team are deployed to Haiti to the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince as an insurance policy for the protection of the ambassador, his family and the embassy. There’s a new leader, and although the country seems to be stabilizing, he’s convinced anything could set it off. His team is responsible for making sure the ambassador and his family are safe and if need be, evacuated if things get ugly. Shark is introduced to Ambassador Clay Towson, his wife, Kate, and their daughter, Dr. Madeline Towson. She’s there as a seismologist studying the area for research purposes. She’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever met and getting tangled up on an active mission isn’t smart, but the woman is giving him all the signals that she’s interested and he’s having a hard time putting on the brakes. Shark gets edgy once it’s discovered that the president is ill, according to the prime minister who’s barring the ambassador from contact with the president while he recovers.

Maddy is blown away by Shark from the moment she meets him and hijacks the embassy limo by mistake. But she’s always been content to live in her own world and chooses to see everything as a glass half-full. Shark is the exact opposite, but Maddy has never met a man she couldn’t charm, and he’s no different. Before she knows it, he’s the one teaching her not only about relationships, but about herself. Her love life has been a wreck since the last eighteen months and getting involved again just wouldn’t be smart. Except as she gets to know the man, it becomes much more difficult to deny her growing feelings for him. As the danger mounts and her attraction to Shark simmers, it’s not clear what is going to blow first, the situation or the heat between them.

Monday, January 8, 2024



Tasked with hosting an American special ops team from the US, Australian Federal Police Agent Kaiya Pawar tries to hide her resentment against Australia's longest and staunchest ally after the evacuation of Afghanistan still haunts her. She lost friends there, and her interpreter who had saved her life. Now she must work with these know-it-all Americans or tank her distinguished career. At this point, No Safe Haven was targeting not only American citizens in Sydney, but the fallout could affect the citizens she'd sworn to protect. There was no contest. She would have to put her personal feelings aside, even as she's attracted to one of the team members, who seems to take her heart in his hands and heal it. But she was destined to lose him. .Jayesh "Kodiak" Lyta arrived in Sydney only to pick up on the subtle undercurrents of their AFP liaison Agent Pawar's attitude. All his team wants to do is protect both Aussies and Americans from harm, but he needs her help and expertise. He didn't anticipate the depth to which he would fall for this woman, but so many obstacles barred their ability to be together. Heartache was waiting for them both at the end of this mission. In the meantime, Iceman, Preacher, and GQ searched desperately for their women NSH kidnapped before it was too late.


 Where to buy
Apple Books (coming soon)

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: January 8, 2024

After the shocking events that occurred after the Team returned from England, they are deployed to Sydney, Australia after the latest intel indicates that’s the next targeted country. Kodiak runs into Australian Federal Police CTSI Investigator Kaiya Pawar who is a lot like him, a mix of different nationalities. She’s been assigned to liaise with the CIA and the SEALs. He thinks they are same in different ways and has a keen interest in getting to know her better. But the woman is all business and blocks him at every turn. He would figured she wasn’t interested, except for the mixed signals she gives him. He has to wonder why she runs hot and cold, but he believes his patience will wear her down.

Kaiya believes that Americans think they own the world. She has no interest in getting any closer to them than she must in pursuit of the terror group that is targeting their citizens. But Kodiak is a charismatic and interesting combination of nationalities wrapped up in a big, broad-shouldered, heavily muscled package. Against her better judgment, he intrigues her from the moment she meets him. She has a job to do and an American Navy SEAL, even an intriguing one will not distract her from her duty…until he does. What is a girl supposed to do when she’s faced with a man who melts her down to her soul?

Monday, October 23, 2023




As the G5 Sahel Conference kicks off in Niamey, Niger, Callen "Blitz" Berenger is navigating his way around his new co-worker embedded with his team, FBI Agent Bree West. She and her Fly Team aren't trained for the kind of encounters that were his team's bread and butter. But she holds her own, leaving him almost helpless against his attraction to her. Then all hell breaks loose when Russian Ambassador Alexsei Volkov shows up. He and Bree find themselves caught up in the fallout from not only the terrorist group AAL and their leaders Teboho Achebe and Anya Olenska, but the brutal oligarch and his Z Militia. This all leads to a mission in Moscow, and danger on a global scale threatens to spill over into world wide conflict, unless Bree and Blitz can neutralize the risk, even as they fall for each other across continents and against plans for their future, if they survive.

 Where to buy
Apple Books - Coming soon
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: October 23, 2023

 With Teboho Achebe and his Russian supporters in the wind, Blitz and the team, along with the FBI are in pursuit. The current ambassador wants them apprehended as well as the State Department. Achebe killed MI6 agents to free his daughter and they also want his head for their deaths. He is now one of the most wanted men on the planet. With this dangerous mission the top priority, Blitz needs to keep his head in the game, but that’s difficult when he’s distracted by FBI Agent Bree West who is driving him crazy without even trying. Then add into the mix, his former lover Geneve Bonnet who’s here for the beginning of the G5 Sahel Partnership Conference hosted by the United States Embassy in conjunction with the Niger Government. In addition to providing security for the conference and finding and eliminating any threat from Achebe, Blitz has his hands full. When things heat up with Bree, Blitz’s main priority is to protect the heart he’d gotten broken a long time ago or if he lets her, will Bree mend it whole?

Bree is here to do a job, and that’s her focus. She’s never had a problem keeping on track, but she never had to deal with major trouble in the form of a former college football player who turned down the NFL to join the Navy. It wouldn’t be such an issue if she didn’t want to know everything about this man, intrigued by his sacrifices and integrity. She needed to keep her vigilance sharp, as she’s now the target of Anya Olenska. Bree killed her brother, and Anya wants vengeance. Then add into the mix that someone else wants Blitz to herself and it’s a recipe for some intense drama. As everything gets more complicated, Bree finds herself willing to take the chance and fight, not only for Blitz, but for the justice that is owed to the former ambassador and his family, regardless of the threat to herself. Can they navigate the difficulty of falling in love in a hostile environment and keep to their commitments and principles, or will it be all out chaos?

Monday, August 21, 2023



Sometimes they prepared for a mission for days, traveled for hours to get to the location, and the actual time it took to save the girl would take minutes. Easy grinned. He loved this shit. They’d get Astraea Jacqueline Devers out and be on their way home before the bad guys knew what happened. That was the plan, but Miss Devers, who went by Jack, had a different aim in mind. The woman had been falsely arrested, incarcerated and brutalized in the famous El Helicoide, a spiraling maze of a crumbling former shopping mall converted into a prison located in Caracas, Venezuela. She wasn't leaving without something that was stolen from her. That sets off the series of unfortunate incidents that leaves Easy and the lovely Jack thrown together, separated from his team, and on the run in a hostile country. Jack, who has lost all sanity in this punishing environment, finds herself under the protection of one of the sexiest alpha males she'd ever met. Sworn off these pushy types, she soon discovers that Easy doesn't fit any stereotype or box she tries to put him in. There's nothing but pure adrenaline both in and out bed with this man, and only part of her fascination with him is his mad, commando skills that add to a full package of gorgeous, intense, and unpredictable Navy SEAL. With her ruthless captor on their trail, can Jack not only live through this harrowing escape, but find a kind love that she's never known only to lose everything in the end?

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Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: August 21, 2023

The team is tasked with rescuing PAY-TV executive Jacqueline Devers in Caracas when she was sent to by her CEO to close a big deal for the company. She was being held falsely against her will. But when the team go in, Jack and Matthew “Easy” Hitchcock get separated from the team and they have to go on the run across a hostile country until they can be extracted. Jack has been through a terrible, terrifying ordeal, but Easy has to admire her resolve and cool-under-fire attitude. The more time he spends with her, the closer they draw together. Since Easy is the only thing that stands between her and her relentless, brutal captor, he does his best to resist her allure. He’s determined to get her out of the country safely.

Jack has been battling for a promotion at her company and her assignment to Venezuela came with many promises of advancement. Her arrest came as a shock and the police who arrested her treated her in the worse way. She repeatedly told them she was an American and she was innocent of any wrongdoing., but they wouldn’t listen. Just when she thinks she might die in the hellhole they put her in, men storm into the prison and rescue her. She refuses to leave until they recover something that was stolen from her. The SEAL who broke open her cell, Easy, agrees while their CO demands they get her out. When the police respond, the SEALs are forced to fall back and Jack and Easy escape during the chaos. Now they’re being hunted down in a hostile country where her only survival is in the hands of the sexiest man she’s ever met.